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General Radio 544-P3
AC power supply
General Radio 544-P3 AC Power Supply

Available from 1939 to 1963

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog K1 1939 90
Catalog K2 1942 85
Catalog K3 1944 83
Catalog K4 1945 83
Catalog L 1948 89
Catalog M 1951 93
Catalog N 1954 78
Catalog O 1956 16
Catalog P 1959 8
Catalog Q 1961 9
Catalog R 1963 47
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 544-P3 AC Power Supply was introduced in Catalog K1 (1939) and remained available through Catalog R (1963).

The Type 544-P3 in an AC power supply for the Type 544-B Megohm Bridge. Located in the unshielded upper section of the 544-B oak case, it supplies the test voltage and bridge operating voltages. Visible in the photos are the test voltage jumpers.


  • Output Voltage: 100 V or 500 V, jumper selectable
  • Short Circuit Current: 12 mA

