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General Radio 572-B
Microphone Hummer
General Radio 572-B Microphone Hummer

Available from 1935 to 1951

  • Manual Needed.
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Bulletin 936 1935 24
Catalog H 1935 152
Catalog J 1936 137
Catalog K1 1939 108
Catalog K2 1942 113
Catalog K3 1944 100
Catalog K4 1945 100
Catalog L 1948 128
Catalog M 1951 158
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 572-B Microphone Hummer was introduced in Bulletin 936 (1935) and remained available through Catalog M (1951).

The Type 572-B is a low-power AC source for bridges where waveform and stability are not essential but battery power is important. Its an electro-mechanical device where an electro-magnet in series carbon button microphone act apon a tuned metal reed. The carbon microphone is mechanically attached to the tuned reed providing positive feedback sustaining the oscillation. A set of secondary windings supply two levels of output at 1 khz. The 572-B is used in the following Types, 650-A Impedance Bridge, 1631-A Inductance Bridge, and 1614-A Capacitance. Its interesting to note the Heath Company included the 572-B as the AC generator for their IB1 Impedance Bridge.


  • Frequency: 1 kHz ±10%
  • Output Power: approximately 15 mW into a matching load with 4½ V supply
  • Internal Output Impedance: 10 Ω and 300 Ω
  • Power Supply: 4½ to 6 V

