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General Radio 1261-A
power supply
General Radio 1261-A Power Supply

Available from 1948 to 1961

  • Manual Needed
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog L 1948 102
Catalog M 1951 101
Catalog N 1954 121
Catalog O 1956 147
Catalog P 1959 145
Catalog Q 1961 137
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio Type 1261-A Power Supply was introduced in Catalog L (1948) and remained available through Catalog Q (1961). It is designed to replace the battery in certain portable instruments.

The 1261-A provides a plate voltage of 80–100 V, and a filament voltage of 1.5 V that is stabilized and filtered using a pair of "D" battery cells. Located on top of the 1261-A is a selector plug and socket to configure the power supply. See the Experimenter article below for more information on the available plugs.

The 1261-A is compatible with Types 720-A, 1231-A, 1231-B and 1550-A.

The Type 759-P50 is similar to Type 1261-A.


  • Output Plate: 80 to 100 V
  • Output Filament: 1.5 V stabilized



Note: The instrument shown here does not have the selector socket.