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The General Radio 874-LBB Slotted Line was introduced in Catalog T (1968) and remained available through Catalog 1978. Its function is to observe the electric field along the inside of a coaxial transmission line using a carriage-mounted probe moving along the line.

By observing minima and maxima of a standing-wave pattern, parameters like frequency, standing-wave ratio, or impedance can be measured, and thereby the characteristics of a circuit connected to the load side of the line can be determined. Applications include analysis of antennas, components, coaxial elements, and networks.

The 874-LBB is an update of the 874-LBA with improved precision, extending the frequency range to 8.5 GHz.



Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog T 1968 132
Catalog U 1970 148
Catalog73 1973 212
Catalog78 1978 38
