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General Radio 1382
Random-noise generator
General Radio 1382 Random-Noise Generator

Available from 1968 to 1978+

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog T 1968 229
Catalog U 1970 60
Catalog78 1978 181
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1382 Random-Noise Generator was introduced in Catalog T (1968) and remained available through Catalog 1978.

It is a solid-state device that produces electrical noise in the audio frequency range.

Three spectrums of noise are available, selected by a front panel switch. Outputs are provided on the front and rear panel, grounded or floating.

The 1382 is useful for audio amplifier testing, frequency response measurements, and acoustical testing.


  • Spectrum: white, pink, or ANSI spectra
  • Output Voltage: > 3 V rms max, open-circuit, for any bandwidth
  • Output Impedance: 600 Ω

