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General Radio 1307-A
Transistor Oscillator
General Radio 1307-A Transistor Oscillator

Available from 1954 to 1961

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog N 1954 153
Catalog O 1956 109
Catalog P 1959 107
Catalog Q 1961 106
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1307-A Transistor Oscillator was introduced in Catalog N (1954) and remained available through Catalog Q (1961).

The Type 1307-A has the distinction of being the first General Radio instrument to incorporate the new device called the Transistor. It uses a P-N-P type transistor in a Hartley oscillator circuit. The portable unit is powered by three Mallory Type RM-l Mercury cells. The oscillator is capable of at least 2 volt output indicated on its meter at 600 Ω load. A switch selects between two frequencies, 400 Hz and 1000 Hz. Both are popular bridge and modulation frequencies. The output cable is terminated in a 274-MB double plug.


  • Frequency: 400 and 1000 cycles accurate to ±3% at 2 V output into a 600 Ω resistive load
  • Output: Adjustable. Maximum output is at least 2 volts across 600 Ω load
  • Distortion: Less than 5% at 400 Hz and at 2 V across 600 Ω load

