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General Radio 1140-A
UHF Wavemeter
General Radio 1140-A UHF Wavemeter

Available from 1948 to 1954


"Manual Needed"

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog L 1948 196
Catalog M 1951 218
Catalog N 1954 224
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1140-A UHF Wavemeter was introduced in Catalog L (1948) and remained available through Catalog N (1954).

The 1140-A is a simple device to measure frequency in the UHF range of 240 to 1200 MHz with 2% accuracy. Behind the rear window is what is called a butterfly circuit which varies capacitance and inductance simultaneously to attain resonance. Resonance is indicated with a microammeter.


  • Frequency Range: 240-1200 MHz in one range
  • Accuracy: ±2% of the indicated frequency
  • Detector: A type 1N22 Crystal Detector (Microwave Diode)

