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General Radio 1394
Hi-Rate Pulse Generator
General Radio 1394 Hi-Rate Pulse Generator

Available from 1968 to 1968

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog T 1968 226
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1394 Hi-Rate Pulse Generator was available in Catalog T (1968) only.

The Type 1394 is a pulse generator capable of 100 MHz repetition rate with a rise and fall time of 2 ns. It can generate pulses triggered by an internal oscillator or external source. Internally the pulse frequency is between 10 and 100 Mhz, front panel adjustable. External pulse rate is from dc to 100 Mhz with adjustable sensitivity, trigger level, and choice of slope. The output pulse width is controlled by series of eight panel switches, labeled in nanoseconds and sum to produce pulse width. Another set of switches below are used to control pulse delay, again labeled in nanoseconds and sum the pulse delay. Amplitude and polarity of the output pulse is adjustable using panel controls. The front panel connectors for Pulse Output, External PRF In, and Synchronization Pulse Out can be relocated the rear of the instrument for convenience. The Type 1394-P1 Pulse-Offset Control is available, it inserts a dc component in the pulse output of the 1394-A so that the baseline is regulated to the desired dc reference level, adjustable from -2 to +2 volts.


  • Pulse Repetition Frequency
  • Internally Generated: 1.0 to 100 MHz, in six ranges
  • Externally Controlled: DC to 100 MHz

  • Sychronizing-Pulse Output
  • Duration: 4 ns
  • Amplitude: 250 mVp-p, into 50 Ω
  • Delay (between sync pulse and leading edge of output pulse): 0 to 99 ns in 1-ns steps, ±2.5% + 1 ns accuracy

  • Output Pulse Characteristics
  • Duration: 4 to 99 ns in 1 ns steps, ±2.5% + 1-ns accuracy
  • Rise and Fall Times: 2.0 ns ± 20 %.

