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General Radio 1419-K
Decade Capacitor
General Radio 1419-K Decade Capacitor

Available from 1959 to 1978+

  • Manual Needed.
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog P 1959 170
Catalog Q 1961 168
Catalog R 1963 157
Catalog S 1965 197
Catalog T 1968 94
Catalog U 1970 109
Catalog73 1973 169
Catalog78 1978 76
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1419-K Decade Capacitor was introduced in Catalog P (1959) and remained available through Catalog 1978.

The Type 1419-K is a three decade capacitance standard based on the Type 505 capacitor. Its comprised of the Types 980-F, 980-G, and 980-H decade units which in turn are comprised of four Type 505 silver mica capacitors. The mica dielectric permits operation at higher temperatures than possible with polystyrene types. The entire assembly enclosed in a shielded enclosure. Binding post connections are provided for two or three terminal connections using a shorting link. Applications for the 1419-K include, elements in resonant circuits, bridge measurements, filters, and experimental laboratory use.


  • Total Capacitance: 1.110 μF
  • Capacitance Per Step: .0001 μF
  • Accuracy: two terminal ±0.5% ; three terminal ±0.5%, 1% at the smallest decade
  • Dissipation Factor: less than .0003 at 1 kHz
  • Maximum Voltage: 500 V



Type 980-F Decade Unit

Type 980-G Decade Unit

Type 980-H Decade Unit