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General Radio 1409
Standard Capacitor
General Radio 1409 Standard Capacitor

Available from 1956 to 1978+

  • Manual Needed.
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog O 1956 156
Catalog P 1959 169
Catalog Q 1961 163
Catalog R 1963 152
Catalog S 1965 192
Catalog T 1968 89
Catalog U 1970 115
Catalog73 1973 179
Catalog78 1978 70
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio General Radio 1409 Standard Capacitor was introduced in Catalog O (1956) and remained available through Catalog 1978.

The 1409 Standard Capacitors are fixed mica capacitors of very high stability for use as two or three-terminal capacitance standards in the laboratory. The capacitor is installed in an aluminum case along with Silica gel desiccant then sealed with hi-temp potting wax. A well located on the right side of the case for the insertion of a dial-type thermometer. Three jack-top binding posts are provided on the top of the case and removable plugs on the bottom, for convenient parallel connection without error. Each capacitor is supplied with a certificate of calibration giving two and three terminal measured capacitance.


  • Adjustment Accuracy: within ±0.05%
  • Stability: capacitance change is less than 0.01% per year
  • Temperature Coefficient: capacitance, +35 ± 10 ppm per degree between 10 °C and 70 °C
  • Dissipation Factor: less than 0.0003 at 1 kHz and 23 °C (see curves). Measured dissipation factor at 1 kHz is stated in the certificate to an accuracy of ±0.00005
  • Leakage Resistance: 5000 ohm-farads or 100 GΩ, whichever is the lesser
  • Maximum Voltage: 500 V peak below the limiting frequencies tabulated below


Type 1409 Series of Standard Capacitors
Type Capacitance Frequency Limit
for Max Volts
Series Inductance Code Number
1409-F 0.001 μF 4.7 MHz 0.050 μH 1409-9702
1409-G 0.002 μF 2.7 MHz 0.050 μH 1409-9707
1409-K 0.005 μF 1.3 MHz 0.050 μH 1409-9711
1409-L 0.01 μF 750 kHz 0.050 μH 1409-9712
1409-M 0.02 μF 430 kHz 0.050 μH 1409-9713
1409-R 0.05 μF 210 kHz 0.055 μH 1409-9718
1409-T 0.1 μF 120 kHz 0.055 μH 1409-9720
1409-U 0.2 μF 70 kHz 0.055 μH 1409-9721
#1409-X 0.5 μF 35 kHz 0.055 μH 1409-9724
##1409-Y 1 μF 17 kHz 0.070 μH 1409-9725
  • # Mounted in medium case.
  • ## Mounted in large case.


Small Case

Medium Case

Large Case