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General Radio 1219-A
Unit Pulse Amplifier
General Radio 1219-A Unit Pulse Amplifier

Available from 1956 to 1961

  • Manual Needed
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog O 1956 123
Catalog P 1959 123
Catalog Q 1961 119
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1219-A Unit Pulse Amplifier was introduced in Catalog O (1956) and remained available through Catalog Q (1961).

A companion device for use with Types 1217-A and 1391-B pulse generators, Type 1219-A is designed to increase the power level but preserve pulse characteristics.

A front-panel switch matches the output of the amplifier to the load, with several common transmission line impedances being available. This switch is pulse polarity sensitive.

Although a unit instrument, the 1219-A it contains its own power supply.


  • Output Pulse Voltage: varies between 10 and 250 V
  • Output Impedance Positive Pulse: 50, 75, 100, 150 Ω, all ±10%
  • Output Impedance Negative Pulse:50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 Ω, all ±10%; 570 Ω ±20%
  • Output Current: depends upon the position of the duty-ratio selector switch and the duty ratio
  • Input Impedance: Approximalely 50 kΩ shunted by 30 pF

